November 7th (Tue.)
Plato Hall, the 2nd Student
Activity Center, NTU
Taipei, Taiwan
Byoung-Kwan Cho
Machine Vision for Apple Detection, Localization, and Quality Assessment in Orchard Environment: Opportunities and Challenges
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Washington Stat e University, United States
Spectral Model to Predict
Phalaenopsis Flowering Quality
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Color Sorting and High-Speed Image Counting for Seed/Grain Processing
Iowa State University, United States
Application of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) to the Discriminant Analysis of Tea Varieties and Origins
Department of Biomechatronics Engineering
Remote and Non-Destructive Monitoring of Plants Crop Management in Production Agriculture
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering North Dakota State University, United States
Infrared Sensor and FDR Sensor for Agriculture Applications
National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
Research Development on Non-Destructive Evaluation for Internal Quality of Mangosteen and Durian
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Innovative Monitoring Technology for Smart Environmental Management
Feng Chia University, Taiwan